What motivates us to learn (4)?
It seems to me, we live in a world dominated by extrinsic rewards and competition motivating activities. I think for most people, it defines most of what we do during the week. Go to work and earn a paycheck. Come home to watch tv and dream about who you could be or where you could live. Then go online or on the cell phone to play a game. But, if we stop with just extrinsic rewards and competition, we have an incomplete picture. Those are just the first levels on a progression. And so, we continue to Identification or Self motivation. I am amazed by the level of effort my teaching colleagues will put into the profession, when they are the teacher. When they own the teacher role. And we see this in other lines of work - or as these individuals may prefer to call it: professions. There is a simple self test. Do you go to “ work .” Or, has that always sounded strange? If it does sound strange, you may rethin...