Review of some very cool art + math + science One to watch! Parents and teaching colleagues, if you have not had a chance to watch this talk by Nathalie Miebach, you need to take some time! What are you looking for? 2 things: The potential of cross-curricular and Pathways schools Viewing the world at the level of the scientist 1 The first comes with a disclaimer. Cross-curricular and pathways can mean different things, depending on who you talk to about each of these. Watch the video, and then see if you agree with what I classify: "What it has the potential to be," and "a close second." Cross-curricular: A close second... My child does science, does english, and does math, and they do it in a way the three are connected. For example: we do an exercise where we see what will float, what will not, and what hovers in water. Then we read a story about things that float, and she answers questions about the story. Later, she doe...